Setting a minimum request timeout in CFML
by Ryan Guill
You rarely want to set a request timeout to a particular value - meaning that you want it to time out if it takes a certain amount of time. What you do want is to declare that a particular process might take at least some amount of time to complete. This is what <cfsetting>
’s requestTimeout parameter should be - saying that it is ok if it takes at least this long. A recent example of where I needed this is with running some longer running processes as part of a suite of unit tests. The individual method we are testing might take 60 seconds to run for example - but the entire request might take several minutes - when that method is run as part of a normal request lifecycle then the 60 second request timeout is fine, but when running the unit tests it ends my tests early!
So here is a method that you can use instead - that will update the request timeout to be the greater of the existing timeout or the new timeout. So it will only ever extend, never shorten.
function setMinimumRequestTimeout (required numeric timeout) {
var currentTimeout = 0;
try {
var requestMonitor = createObject("java", "coldfusion.runtime.RequestMonitor");
currentTimeout = requestMonitor.getRequestTimeout();
} catch (any e) {
//do nothing
var newTimeout = max(currentTimeout, arguments.timeout);
writedump(var="setting requestTimeout to #newTimeout#");
setting requestTimeout=newTimeout;
setMinimumRequestTimeout(10); //if the timeout is 60 seconds it will not be updated
setMinimumRequestTimeout(1000); //the timeout will be updated to 1000s
Credit to Brian Ghidinelli.
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